Snowy Speculations

If I could paint, I would have tried to replicate the landscape very early this morning. Illuminated by the faintest hints of light and hours before sunrise, the cold, stark landscape lay completely still in its snowy blanket. Naked trees stood proudly and quietly against this backdrop, this palate of pure white an unforgiving place for any creature, big or small, to attempt to cross without drawing attention to its existence at this time. Even our ancient tire swing looked sleepy and droopy, suspended precariously close to the ground, as if the effort of hanging from a tree limb was too much for it. To the east, the only rays of light visible were the ones coming from the across the river, and even those seem hushed and muffled, like a child tired and murmuring not to wake them up just yet.  The young families down the road have gone all out with Christmas lights this year. Bright colours adorn the night skies and my neighbours even have a Christmas Cat and a Christmas Dinosaur that i

Feathered Friends... with Benefits

 Feathered Friends...with Benefits

When our neighbours got chickens two years ago, our family was not receptive to the idea at all. Since we do not have a fence between our properties, we found ourselves having to coordinate letting the dogs out with when the chickens were not out. Just being honest here, but it was slightly irritating.  Our puppy, Gus, was and still is feisty and  has a natural desire to chase the chickens and ducks, which we couldn't allow. Especially in light of the fact that the neighbouring farmer's dog has already come onto their property and enjoyed six of these feathered fellows as his snack. It's terrible, but you just can't stop nature!

Although I have always wanted a few laying hens of my own for several years now, my husband keeps reminding me that this will never happen. Of course I am picturing a little henhouse that is a mini replica of our home and is surrounded by a sizable, fenced-in run. But I digress!  Slowly the irritation at the neighbours' chickens fizzled out this summer as I learned to embrace the fact that my neighbours had chickens and the Chickens vs. Lolita dynamic began to change. I don't know when the turning point actually occurred, but it may have happened when I started bringing over the tomatoes from our garden that were starting to spoil or those broccoli greens that were not going to be eaten and throwing them into the first of several chicken runs that was closest to our yard. The neighbours had always encouraged me to do this and I kept double-checking with them along the way to ensure this was allowed.

Within days of feeding them fairly regularly, I noticed that the one duck would start announcing my arrival even when I was quite a distance away. With her rigid, upright stature, she is quite funny to watch and stands out. When the flock is out for their free range grazing time after supper, she will call out excitedly and run toward me. Her name is Adley which I think is quite fitting for such a saucy little duck. 

Everyone who knows me knows that I love to bake. I have been dubbed the "Baking Realtor" for years now. One evening as I started combining ingredients in preparation for serving some treats at an open house, I noticed that I had no eggs at all. This never happens in our household as we buy dozens of eggs every time we grocery shop as we have three grown children that consume an outrageous amount of eggs! Even though we have four vehicles, there were none for me to use as our youngest daughter had taken mine. I was car-less and egg-less and a trip to the store was out of the question. Then I conveniently thought of my neighbour and texted to ask if I could buy some eggs from her. I do this every once in a while but not often as they sell them to their regular customers and don't allow me to pay for them when I try to. But I was desperate. As I walked over to get them, the whole family met me at the door with a beautiful assortment of eggs of all shapes and sizes and shades! The usual kerfuffle occurred as I tried to pay them so I quickly dropped some money into the little girl's hands and fled with my tray of eggs, literally with the father chasing me down trying to give the money back to me. It is to be noted that  I outran him even though I am ten years his senior, all the while carrying an open tray of 24 eggs!

Although no one in my household will touch the duck eggs, I am thrilled when they are part of the assortment I get. They make the best Pavlova and when I made one last week using regular, store bought chicken eggs, I could see the difference right away and it was disappointing. Because of their size alone, duck eggs are more nutritious than chicken eggs with their darker yolks known to be higher in omega-3 fatty acids and proteins. 

I sheepishly have to admit that I look forward to my little excursions across the yard and I have to smile when the flock starts announcing my arrival, not just little Adley. I know in my heart that I am only a source of food for them, but it's nice to be greeted and appreciated. Even though I grew up with quite an assortment of chickens, ducks, geese and pheasants, I appreciate these feathered friends much more. They are more intelligent than I ever would have given them credit for. They are entertainment for Gus who, under our careful watch, will sit in the grass and watch them tirelessly, although I am quite certain he would be up and running if he had the chance to chase them. When they wander onto our property and come right up to our deck stairs, he is as mad as anything, barking and throwing himself against the sliding glass doors. But they know he can't get out and, if they could, would probably stick out their tongues at him, taunting the poor guy, all the while foraging their little hearts out right in front of him!

Although there are no laying hens in my future, I still get all the benefits of getting rid of my kitchen organics and free range eggs whenever I want them. We are blessed with kind neighbours on both sides of our property and not everyone can say the same thing. The constant crowing during our dinners outside with friends and family is now muted and we don't even hear it until our guests comment on it. Funny how we adjust to things if we relax. Although I have recently heard that a few of the roosters are no longer with us and are going to be dinner for the family next door, I am happy to report that Adley will not be a part of their menu choices. She is their pet and one of which I am quite fond! So getting rid of my kitchen scraps, getting cheered at from across the yard and making the best, fluffiest Pavlova you'll ever know? Well, these feathered friends do have a special place in my heart! 

Lolita Schimann Hale


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