
Showing posts from April, 2021

Snowy Speculations

If I could paint, I would have tried to replicate the landscape very early this morning. Illuminated by the faintest hints of light and hours before sunrise, the cold, stark landscape lay completely still in its snowy blanket. Naked trees stood proudly and quietly against this backdrop, this palate of pure white an unforgiving place for any creature, big or small, to attempt to cross without drawing attention to its existence at this time. Even our ancient tire swing looked sleepy and droopy, suspended precariously close to the ground, as if the effort of hanging from a tree limb was too much for it. To the east, the only rays of light visible were the ones coming from the across the river, and even those seem hushed and muffled, like a child tired and murmuring not to wake them up just yet.  The young families down the road have gone all out with Christmas lights this year. Bright colours adorn the night skies and my neighbours even have a Christmas Cat and a Christmas Dinosaur that i

Arachnid Habitat

Arachnid Habitat  When we purchased our home in 2009, I was thrilled with the concept that mail gets delivered directly to rural properties. Although our mailbox looked like it had seen better days or better decades for that matter, we decided that replacing it was at the bottom of the to-do list. After keeping our reserved mailbox open at the local post office for several weeks after our move to ensure that our mail was still getting delivered to us, we switched everything over to the new address. Our move took place during a warm October that year and, for several weeks, the kids fought about who would get the mail every day. That novelty didn't last long at all and soon enough, it was Mom who was checking the mailbox on a daily basis. The only issue was that the mail was not the only thing resting in the mailbox. Tucked in its dark recesses, a couple of spiders had made their tiny cocoons and staked their claim, evidently receiving their mail there as well as ours. Squatters! Th